How to use diamond and CBN materials better?
source:the economic newspaperFirst, we need to know some basic characteristics of diamond and CBN materials. Diamond and CBN have the same crystal structure. Diamond is composed of pure carbon element, and CBN is composed of nitr..
keyword: diamond, optical glass -
What are the advantages of KUMTHAI’s crushed synthetic diamo..
source:the economic newspapera) KUMTHAI’s products are made from high grade single crystal diamonds from ZhongNan Company as the raw material, which is the best diamond raw material in China at present, with stable quality and su..
keyword: diamond, optical glass -
What are the differences in the labeling and particle size labeling of superhard powder in different countries?
source:the economic newspaperDifferent countries and important enterprises in the world have their own standards and codes for diamond. Please refer to the comparison table: Grit size comparison tableChinaGB/T6460-1996ISO&am
keyword: diamond, optical glass